3D Metrology Solutions
Welcome in Microservice!
For over 18 years, with a staff of 32 employees and two laboratories, we are suppliers of 3D Metrology Solutions, from the Measurement Service to the production of Coordinate Machines, passing through the CMM Maintenance and Calibration with ACCREDIA certification (LAT Center n. 206).
Do you need to measure a part?
Our Laboratories and our Portable Experts are at your disposal to offer you the best service and the best delivery at the right price.
Have you decided to buy a new measuring machine?
We offer you a complete range of high performance CMMs of our production, equipped with CNC hardware and the latest DMIS software, configurable with motorized heads, continuous scanning, automatic tool changer or other accessories of the best brands.
Do you want to contain the investment without giving up the reliability and functionality of the new product?
We have a rich and varied selection of multi-brand CMMs completely retrofitted and guaranteed, ready for delivery.
We put our experience and our metrological expertise at your service to offer you:
CMM 3D Measurement Machines – Sales and Assistance
Optical Measurement Machines – Sales and Assistance
Portable Instruments for measurement and Scanning – Sales and Assistance
Measurement and Tomographic Services in the Laboratory: LAB1 Alpignano (TO) / LAB2 Macherio (MB)
Measurement and Scanning Service at customer’s site
ACCREDIA Calibration Center (LAT n ° 206) for the performance verification on CMM
Volumetric Calibration on Machine Tools
Repair and Calibration of monoaxial Measuring Instruments
Sw application for pre-testing on board Machine Tool with CAPPS® reporting
Metrology Training Courses and Assistance on the most common CMM Software
Sw updates and mechanical / electronic retrofit on CMM
Pre-owned instruments reconditioned guaranteed
Spare parts and accessories ready for delivery

Next to the Customer
Flexibility and ability to understand the innovations of a constantly evolving market have certainly been important factors for our growth, for which we believe that the widespread and consolidated consensus of our customers has been fundamental.

Microservice è socio del CMM Club Italia
L’Associazione CMM Club Italia, senza fini di lucro, è nata il 3 dicembre 1997 sotto il patrocinio e la guida scientifica dell’Istituto di Metrologia “Gustavo Colonnetti” del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-IMGC).
L’Associazione è composta da utilizzatori, fornitori di servizi, studiosi di metrologia, laboratori metrologici, università, professionisti e costruttori di Macchine di Misura a Coordinate